Category: Cambio climático
Según datos proporcionados por Produce (2021), en Perú existen más de un millón de micro y pequeñas empresas (mypes) lideradas por mujeres, que generan aproximadamente 4.8 millones de empleos. Estas mypes representan el 21% del Producto Bruto Interno (PBI), y brindan empleo a más del 60% de la población económicamente activa (PEA), como informó El Peruano el presente año. A pesar de estos logros, persisten las brechas de género y barreras estructurales que limitan la participación, el crecimiento y la consolidación de los negocios dirigidos por mujeres, particularmente en las regiones amazónicas.
Through cocoa it is possible to contribute to forest conservation, and the Cooperativa Central Cacao de Aroma de Tocache (CECAT) is an example of how business and sustainability can go hand in hand.
In order to promote investments in the Peruvian Amazon and mitigate the impacts of climate change, the Amazon Business Alliance will invest more than S/300 million in sustainable businesses, which will directly benefit the Amazonian populations that conserve standing forests.
An initiative promoted by USAID, the Government of Canada and Conservation International, will invest in business models focused on biodiversity conservation, adaptation and mitigation of climate change in the Amazon.
The Regional Government of Madre de Dios and Conservation International have been developing a joint work agenda in recent months to promote sustainable development in the region, within the framework of the Amazon Business Alliance.
The agreement seeks to promote eco- and bio-businesses by incorporating sustainability and conservation approaches into the regional economy.
In a collaborative effort between the Peruvian Federation of Municipal Savings and Credit Banks (FEPCMAC) and the Amazon Business Alliance, led by the United States Agency for International Development (USAID), the Government of Canada and Conservation International Peru, Biocredit, an innovative green financial tool designed to boost sustainable agriculture in the Amazon region, has been launched.
The United States Agency for International Development (USAID), the Government of Canada and Conservation International have been promoting the Business Alliance for the Amazon, a new platform that seeks to promote sustainable business and facilitate the conditions for sustainable investments to grow in the Peruvian Amazon.
The Regional Government of Madre de Dios and Conservation International have been developing a joint work agenda in recent months to promote sustainable development in the region, within the framework of the Amazon Business Alliance.
The agreement seeks to promote eco- and bio-businesses by incorporating sustainability and conservation approaches into the regional economy.
In a collaborative effort between the Peruvian Federation of Municipal Savings and Credit Banks (FEPCMAC) and the Amazon Business Alliance, led by the United States Agency for International Development (USAID), the Government of Canada and Conservation International Peru, Biocredit, an innovative green financial tool designed to boost sustainable agriculture in the Amazon region, has been launched.
The United States Agency for International Development (USAID), the Government of Canada and Conservation International have been promoting the Business Alliance for the Amazon, a new platform that seeks to promote sustainable business and facilitate the conditions for sustainable investments to grow in the Peruvian Amazon.