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Promoviendo la Bioeconomía y la Innovación Financiera para la Conservación: La Alianza Empresarial por la Amazonía en la COP16

Reflexiones sobre nuestra visita a la COP16 de Biodiversidad, un espacio sumamente rico de aprendizaje, donde vimos a la Amazonía al centro de discusiones globales, reconocida por ser ese ecosistema clave que tenemos que trabajar para proteger.

Provincial Municipality of Oxapampa and Conservation International Sign Agreement for the Environmental, Social, and Economic Development of the Province

Oxapampa, noviembre 2024. La Municipalidad Provincial de Oxapampa y Conservación Internacional Perú suscriben un convenio con el objetivo de consolidar esfuerzos en la conservación de los recursos naturales, la creación de políticas públicas sostenibles y la promoción de inversiones responsables que beneficien a las comunidades locales y la naturaleza. 

Impulso a la Sostenibilidad: Negocios Sostenibles de la Amazonía Peruana Acceden a Fondos Públicos

La Amazonía peruana, uno de los ecosistemas más ricos en biodiversidad del planeta, enfrenta desafíos significativos en términos de conservación y desarrollo sostenible. Los negocios locales enfocados en productos derivados de la biodiversidad amazónica juegan un papel vital en la preservación de este entorno único. Sin embargo, acceder a recursos y apoyo para mejorar sus operaciones es, en la mayoría de casos, un reto considerable. 

We Are at COP16: Promoting Financial Innovation and Sustainable Businesses for the Conservation of the Amazon

The Amazon Business Alliance will be present at COP16 to highlight the transformative role of financial innovation and sustainable businesses in conserving the Peruvian Amazon and improving the well-being of the people living there.

Biocredit: First green financial tool to place S/ 13.6 million in the Peruvian Amazon in 2024

El Biocrédito es el innovador producto financiero ‘verde’ cuya meta para el 2024 es colocar S/13.6 millones en créditos ambientales. Este producto está uniendo puentes entre la banca formal y los emprendimientos amazónicos–particularmente vinculados con la agricultura– que cumplen con los criterios ambientales establecidos por el Ministerio del Ambiente (Minam), y así fomentar oportunidades de negocio responsables que permiten el aprovechamiento sostenible en la Amazonía peruana.

Shanantina: Cultivando sostenibilidad en la producción de sacha inchi orgánico

En su búsqueda por espacios para explorar la producción orgánica, Carolina Sánchez, gerente de Shanantina, se encontró con un producto que llamó su atención: el sacha inchi. Los letreros en distintas parcelas constantemente repetían ese nombre, despertando su curiosidad y llevándola a descubrir el potencial del conocido “maní del inca”.

Strengthening Youth Participation in Environmental Conservation in the Native Infierno Community

During two intense days, 10 young people from the Infierno Native Community (8 women and 2 men) immersed themselves in a journey of learning and commitment towards the promotion of sustainable ecotourism practices in their community.

Huanuco: PROCOMPITE 2024 to allocate S/30 Million for Organizations with Sustainable Businesses

For the first time in Huanuco, this program will have an investment of 30 million soles, the highest amount in recent years in this region, since this priority strategy of the State was implemented for the execution of Initiatives to Support Productive Competitiveness.

Early Success of Biocredit: Boosting Sustainable Agriculture in the Peruvian Amazon

In a collaborative effort between the Peruvian Federation of Municipal Savings and Credit Banks (FEPCMAC) and the Amazon Business Alliance, led by the United States Agency for International Development (USAID), the Government of Canada and Conservation International Peru, Biocredit, an innovative green financial tool designed to boost sustainable agriculture in the Amazon region, has been launched.

Towards an Inclusive Society: Intercultural Dialogue with a Gender Approach Workshop in Pucallpa

Representatives of various organizations committed to sustainable development in Pucallpa and Huánuco met on February 5 and 6 in Pucallpa to participate in an enriching Intercultural Dialogue Workshop with a Gender Approach.

An Impulse Towards Sustainable Development: Workshop for Socialization and Validation of the Diagnosis of Bio-businesses in the Amazon Region

In a collaborative effort to promote sustainable development in the Amazon region, a workshop was held to socialize and validate the “Diagnosis of bottlenecks in the value chains of aguaymanto, pitahaya, bamboo and native cacao. The purpose of this diagnosis is to address the challenges identified in the prioritized bio-businesses.

Sustainable Development in Loreto: Biobusiness as a Key Strategy for the Conservation of the Region

In an effort to address the critical environmental situation in Loreto, a workshop was successfully held to socialize and validate the “Diagnosis of bottlenecks in the prioritized camu camu, aguaje, melipona honey and chambira chains” in the Loreto region.

Launching of Procompite Tambopata 2024: Promoting Sustainable Development in the Province

The Provincial Municipality of Tambopata is pleased to announce the launch of Procompite Tambopata 2024, which will offer financing to business plans that contribute to the sustainable development of the province.

Éxito en la Socialización del Proyecto para la Conservación de Bosques y Desarrollo Sostenible que beneficia a comunidades nativas en Huánuco

En dos eventos trascendentales, uno con representantes de la comunidad nativa Nueva Alianza y el segundo con la comunidad nativa Dos Unidos, se celebró la socialización del proyecto “Conservación de Bosques e Incremento de los Ingresos Para Mejorar la Calidad de Vida de las CCNN Dos Unidos y Nueva Alianza Mediante el Fomento de los Eco Negocios y el Ecoturismo que Involucra al Centro Ecoturístico de Mayantuyacu EIRL, en el Distrito de Honoria - Provincia de Puerto Inca – Región Huánuco”. Este proyecto, forma parte del portafolio de la Alianza Empresarial por la Amazonía (AEA), una plataforma impulsada por la Agencia de los Estados Unidos para el Desarrollo Internacional (USAID), el Gobierno de Canadá y Conservación Internacional Perú y cuenta con fondos adicionales de la Fundación BHP, en conjunto con la ONG IDESI Huánuco.

Promoviendo el Desarrollo Sostenible en Huánuco a través de Iniciativas Clave

En los últimos años, la región de Huánuco ha experimentado una pérdida anual de bosques de aproximadamente 15,000 hectáreas, por lo que es urgente buscar alternativas para el aprovechamiento de recursos no maderables como fuentes de ingreso para las comunidades nativas. Por este motivo, Conservación Internacional Perú y el Gobierno Regional de Huánuco (GORE Huánuco) han implementado un plan de trabajo con el fin de fortalecer las condiciones para inversiones sostenibles en la región.

Café y Cacao para la restauración de paisajes y conservación de bosques: Un proyecto transformador para la sostenibilidad

Hay lugares donde la naturaleza se entrelaza con la historia de las personas, donde los árboles y los cultivos forman parte de los lazos familiares. Es ahí donde proyectos como “Café y Cacao para la restauración de paisajes y conservación de bosques” se desarrollan con éxito, buscando no solo transformar la manera de hacer agricultura, sino también revitalizar paisajes y conservar los bosques para que continúen siendo parte de estos vínculos por generaciones.

Ecoferia Madre Tierra Edición Navideña: Promoviendo el Consumo Sostenible y la Diversidad Peruana

El Ministerio del Ambiente (MINAM) presenta la "Ecoferia Madre Tierra edición Navideña", un evento que busca promover el consumo amigable con el ambiente y resaltar la biodiversidad peruana. La feria, que se llevará a cabo los días 15, 16 y 17 de diciembre en el Parque Salazar (arriba de Larcomar) en Miraflores, contará nuevamente con el apoyo clave de la Alianza Empresarial por la Amazonía (AEA), un proyecto liderado por la Agencia de los Estados Unidos para el Desarrollo Internacional (USAID), el Gobierno de Canadá y Conservación Internacional Perú, que promueve negocios e inversiones sostenibles en la Amazonía peruana.

Reactivando el Ecoturismo a través de la Transferencia de Conocimiento y Tecnología

La pandemia por COVID-19 ha dejado un impacto significativo en el sector turístico de nuestro país, especialmente en destinos y comunidades menos conocidos. En medio de estos desafíos y en uno de los ecosistemas más importantes de la Amazonía, uno de los proyectos del portafolio de la Alianza Empresarial por la Amazonía, junto con Rainforest Expeditions (RFE) y Profonanpe, busca reactivar las actividades de ecoturimo de la comunidad nativa infierno, a través de la transferencia de conocimientos y tecnología.

Exploring Sustainable Opportunities: Experience Sharing to Drive Community Initiatives

In the Loreto region, in the hamlets of Santa Cecilia and Manití, where the dense Amazon rainforest embraces every corner, the Manití Project, part of the Amazon Business Alliance, seeks to identify biobusiness opportunities with local populations.

Workshop on Prioritized Chains in San Martin: Joining Efforts to Overcome Obstacles and Enhance Sustainable Development

As part of the collaborative work plan between Conservation International Peru and the Regional Government of San Martin, a workshop was held on biotrade chains for vanilla, cat's claw, shiringa and sangre de grado in the San Martin region.

Amazon Business Alliance and FEPCMAC promote innovative Biocredit for Sustainable Agriculture in the Peruvian Amazon

In a significant step to bring producers of sustainable value chains in the Amazon closer to the formal financial market, the Amazon Business Alliance is providing technical support to the Peruvian Federation of Municipal Savings and Loan Associations (FEPCMAC) to launch an innovative Biocredit.

La Alianza Empresarial por la Amazonía presenta innovador estudio sobre la participación de mujeres en los negocios sostenibles en la Amazonía Peruana

Según datos proporcionados por Produce (2021), en Perú existen más de un millón de micro y pequeñas empresas (mypes) lideradas por mujeres, que generan aproximadamente 4.8 millones de empleos. Estas mypes representan el 21% del Producto Bruto Interno (PBI), y brindan empleo a más del 60% de la población económicamente activa (PEA), como informó El Peruano el presente año. A pesar de estos logros, persisten las brechas de género y barreras estructurales que limitan la participación, el crecimiento y la consolidación de los negocios dirigidos por mujeres, particularmente en las regiones amazónicas.

From the Amazon to Europe: Impacts of the European no deforestation regulation on coffee and cacao value chains

The European Union is a market of 400 million people and one of the main export destinations for our cacao and coffee.

San Martin moves to ensure traceability and strengthen the coffee and cacao chains

In order to create a space for dialogue on the impacts of the European Union Deforestation Regulation (EUDR), a new legislation that seeks to promote a deforestation-free commodity export market to the European Union (EU), and to address the concerns related to this regulation in the most affected value chains, the workshop "Challenges and Opportunities of the European Regulation on No Deforestation for the cocoa and coffee sectors" was held in San Martin.

ExpoAmazonica 2023: The largest fair in the Amazon received 85 thousand visitors

From September 21 to 24, more than 600 exhibitors from all corners of the Peruvian Amazon gathered in the city of Tingo Maria, in Huanuco.

First Ecosystem Service Remuneration Mechanism on Scenic Beauty

For the first time a fee ordinance was approved for the, recovery and sustainable use of Lake Sauce, one of the main tourist attractions of the San Martin Region, in the Northern Peruvian Amazon, as part of the country’s Mechanisms of Remuneration for Ecosystem Services, MERESE.

Sustainable aquaculture project promotes productive reconversion and conservation in Moyobamba

In order to develop a sustainable business model and promote the conservation of ecosystems, an innovative Amazonian fish aquaculture project has been launched.

Juanjuí: Project presented to produce cacao free of deforestation

En la cuenca del río Huallaga, más de 2000 productores están trabajando para producir un cacao de calidad excepcional y, al mismo tiempo, conservar los bosques de la región. Su labor se enfoca no solo en el sabor del producto, sino también en el trasfondo de su cosecha, buscando lograr una producción de cacao sostenible.

Tocache: Forestry practices that combat deforestation

Through cocoa it is possible to contribute to forest conservation, and the Cooperativa Central Cacao de Aroma de Tocache (CECAT) is an example of how business and sustainability can go hand in hand.

Conservation International inaugurates office in Pucallpa

The new office in Pucallpa is the third office of Conservation International in Peru, joining the offices in Lima and Rioja (in the San Martin region).

Changing the future with regenerative animal husbandry

In a world where agriculture is responsible for a quarter of greenhouse gas emissions, the search for sustainable alternatives has become an urgent necessity.

Approval of Directive for the Elaboration of Projects with a Gender and Intercultural Approach in San Martin

The Regional Government of San Martin through the Regional Directorate of Inclusion and Equal Opportunities, the Ministry of Women and Vulnerable Populations and the Amazon Business Alliance, a platform promoted by the United States Agency for International Development (USAID), the Government of Canada and Conservation International, promoted the development and approval of the "Guidelines for the Development of Public Investment Projects with a Gender and Intercultural Approach in the Regional Government of San Martin".

”Amazon, Fashion and Opportunities” highlighted the potential of the Amazon in Peruvian high fashion.

On September 24, the Amazon, Fashion and Opportunities event was held, led by the Business Alliance for the Amazon, the United States Agency for International Development (USAID), the Government of Canada and Conservation International, in conjunction with the Alliance of Fashion Designers of Peru. This event took place within the framework of Boutique Moda Perú and was a day dedicated to showcasing the richness of the Amazon and its potential in the fashion industry.

S/300 million to be invested in sustainable businesses in favor of Amazonian populations

In order to promote investments in the Peruvian Amazon and mitigate the impacts of climate change, the Amazon Business Alliance will invest more than S/300 million in sustainable businesses, which will directly benefit the Amazonian populations that conserve standing forests.

Approaches transforming sustainable business

When we think about the viability of sustainable businesses we tend to consider two important aspects, financial profitability and environmental impact, but they are not the only ones.

Conservation International and FEPCMAC sign agreement to promote sustainable investments in the Peruvian Amazon

The agreement seeks to promote eco- and bio-businesses by incorporating sustainability and conservation approaches into the regional economy.

The Amazon Business Alliance will invest in sustainable businesses.

The United States Agency for International Development (USAID), the Government of Canada and Conservation International have been promoting the Business Alliance for the Amazon, a new platform that seeks to promote sustainable business and facilitate the conditions for sustainable investments to grow in the Peruvian Amazon.

The Chamber of Commerce of Indigenous Peoples of Peru and Conservation International sign agreement to promote sustainable development in the Amazon

La Cámara de Comercio de Pueblos Indígenas del Perú – CCPIP y Conservación Internacional firmaron un convenio marco de cooperación a fin de realizar actividades conjuntas que contribuyan a la gestión sostenible de los recursos naturales, sus servicios ambientales y la conservación de la diversidad biológica en el Perú, a través de la promoción del desarrollo y el fortalecimiento de capacidades de los pueblos indígenas de la Amazonia peruana.

The Business Alliance will invest more than S/300 million in sustainable businesses in the Amazon.

An initiative promoted by USAID, the Government of Canada and Conservation International, will invest in business models focused on biodiversity conservation, adaptation and mitigation of climate change in the Amazon.

Amazon Business Alliance Invests in Sustainable Development in Madre de Dios

The Regional Government of Madre de Dios and Conservation International have been developing a joint work agenda in recent months to promote sustainable development in the region, within the framework of the Amazon Business Alliance.


The high potential of the Huánuco region to develop sustainable businesses extends beyond the quality of its cocoa or its Amazonian fruits.

AIDESEP and Conservation International sign agreement to collaborate for the sustainable development of the Peruvian Amazon.

The Interethnic Association for the Development of the Peruvian Rainforest (AIDESEP) and Conservation International signed a framework cooperation agreement with the aim of carrying out joint activities that contribute to the sustainable management of natural resources, their environmental services, and the conservation of biological diversity in Peru. The agreement promotes the development and strengthening of the capacities of indigenous peoples in the Peruvian Amazon.

The Regional Government of Huánuco and Conservation International sign an agreement to promote sustainable investments.

With the aim of promoting and facilitating the development of sustainable businesses that contribute to achieving national climate goals and the Sustainable Development Goals, the Government Regional of Huánuco (GOREHCO) and Conservation International have signed a Framework Cooperation Agreement. They commit to working together to support the sustainable development of the region. The agreement is part of the Amazon Business Alliance, a joint initiative between the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) and Conservation International to promote sustainable businesses in the Peruvian Amazon.


The Ucayali Regional Government (GOREU) and Conservation International Peru (CI Peru) signed a Framework Agreement for Interinstitutional Cooperation, committing to work together to facilitate the development of sustainable businesses contributing to national climate targets and Sustainable Development Goals.

The most viewed ones

Shanantina: Cultivando sostenibilidad en la producción de sacha inchi orgánico

En su búsqueda por espacios para explorar la producción orgánica, Carolina Sánchez, gerente de Shanantina, se encontró con un producto que llamó su atención: el sacha inchi. Los letreros en distintas parcelas constantemente repetían ese nombre, despertando su curiosidad y llevándola a descubrir el potencial del conocido “maní del inca”.

Early Success of Biocredit: Boosting Sustainable Agriculture in the Peruvian Amazon

In a collaborative effort between the Peruvian Federation of Municipal Savings and Credit Banks (FEPCMAC) and the Amazon Business Alliance, led by the United States Agency for International Development (USAID), the Government of Canada and Conservation International Peru, Biocredit, an innovative green financial tool designed to boost sustainable agriculture in the Amazon region, has been launched.

Amazon Business Alliance Invests in Sustainable Development in Madre de Dios

The Regional Government of Madre de Dios and Conservation International have been developing a joint work agenda in recent months to promote sustainable development in the region, within the framework of the Amazon Business Alliance.

Conservation International and FEPCMAC sign agreement to promote sustainable investments in the Peruvian Amazon

The agreement seeks to promote eco- and bio-businesses by incorporating sustainability and conservation approaches into the regional economy.

Shanantina: Cultivando sostenibilidad en la producción de sacha inchi orgánico

En su búsqueda por espacios para explorar la producción orgánica, Carolina Sánchez, gerente de Shanantina, se encontró con un producto que llamó su atención: el sacha inchi. Los letreros en distintas parcelas constantemente repetían ese nombre, despertando su curiosidad y llevándola a descubrir el potencial del conocido “maní del inca”.

Early Success of Biocredit: Boosting Sustainable Agriculture in the Peruvian Amazon

In a collaborative effort between the Peruvian Federation of Municipal Savings and Credit Banks (FEPCMAC) and the Amazon Business Alliance, led by the United States Agency for International Development (USAID), the Government of Canada and Conservation International Peru, Biocredit, an innovative green financial tool designed to boost sustainable agriculture in the Amazon region, has been launched.

Amazon Business Alliance Invests in Sustainable Development in Madre de Dios

The Regional Government of Madre de Dios and Conservation International have been developing a joint work agenda in recent months to promote sustainable development in the region, within the framework of the Amazon Business Alliance.

Conservation International and FEPCMAC sign agreement to promote sustainable investments in the Peruvian Amazon

The agreement seeks to promote eco- and bio-businesses by incorporating sustainability and conservation approaches into the regional economy.