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Mar 11, 2022

The high potential of the Huánuco region to develop sustainable businesses extends beyond the quality of its cocoa or its Amazonian fruits. Its richness expands among the gorges and waterfalls of Tingo María and is reflected in the interest of its people to contribute to sustainable development and green growth. 

With the aim of improving the quality of life in Amazonian communities and mitigating the impacts of climate change, the Amazon Business Alliance, a joint initiative of the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) and Conservation International, seeks to promote and facilitate sustainable investments in the Peruvian Amazon. Thanks to the Framework Agreement of Interinstitutional Cooperation with the Regional Government of Huánuco, on March 10, various organizations gathered at the Auditorium of the Provincial Municipality of Leoncio Prado to learn about the initiative and how to access the loans and donations it offers. 

During the event, the necessary requirements for sustainable businesses to access these investment opportunities were presented. Additionally, the evaluation processes were shared, highlighting the importance of applicants being committed to conservation, climate change adaptation and mitigation, as well as gender and interculturality approaches.

"We are looking for business models that will generate a positive impact, for example, ecosystem restoration for degraded areas," explained Ana López.

“We are looking for business models that will generate a positive impact, for example, ecosystem restoration for degraded areas,” explained Ana López, representative of Conservation International, emphasizing that “we support businesses that add value to standing forests.” Additionally, during her presentation, she highlighted the willingness and openness of CI Ventures, Conservation International’s investment fund that provides loans to small and medium-sized enterprises, to listen to and analyze all opportunities. 

Norka Valencia, Deputy Manager of International Cooperation for the Government of Huánuco, stated that “this space is crucial, created within the framework of governance where the state, private sector, and civil society come together to generate development.” She also emphasized the interest of regional and local governments, businesses, NGOs, and other organizations, along with the region’s willingness to continue promoting this collaborative work and cooperation, ensuring that “Huánuco is committed to being one of the best regions.”

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