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Amazon Business Alliance Invests in Sustainable Development in Madre de Dios

Apr 4, 2022

The Regional Government of Madre de Dios and Conservation International have been developing a joint work agenda in recent months to promote sustainable development in the region, within the framework of the Amazon Business Alliance, a platform driven by the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) and Conservation International to promote sustainable businesses in the Peruvian Amazon. 

Presentation event of the Amazon Business Alliance 

At an event held at the Madre de Dios Chamber of Commerce on Monday, April 4, regional entrepreneurs, government officials from the Madre de Dios Regional Government, and national and international cooperation organizations gathered to learn about the scope and approaches proposed by the Amazon Business Alliance. The alliance aims to promote sustainable investments that benefit local populations while generating positive environmental impacts, whether through nature conservation or adaptation and mitigation to climate change. 

“With your support, we believe that we can make the region we want and dream of a reality,” said Erbert Cárdenas Farfán, Director of OCTI at the Madre de Dios Regional Government, welcoming participants to the event.

We are working on business models that improve the quality of life of Amazonian communities that conserve the standing forest, within the framework of national climate goals and the Sustainable Development Goals”. Percy Summers

On our part, stated Luis Espinel, Vice President of Conservation International in Peru, our organization has been operating since 1989 to protect nature and promote sustainable development. We had a presence in the Madre de Dios region from 1990 to 2008, working on projects related to the Tambopata National Reserve and the Bahuaja Sonene National Park. As Conservation International, Espinel noted, “we have returned to work with you. We have returned to stay and support your efforts to move forward, respecting biodiversity, nature, and all social actors in the forest.” 

Percy Summers, Senior Director of Science and Development at Conservation International in Peru, presented the Amazon Business Alliance, describing it as an innovative platform to promote and facilitate sustainable investments in the Peruvian Amazon. To achieve this, he said, “we are working on business models that improve the quality of life of Amazonian communities while conserving the forest, framed within national climate goals and the Sustainable Development Goals.”, emphasized Summers.

In turn, Ivo Encomenderos, Partnerships Manager at Conservation International, presented the financing modalities available to companies and organizations, including donations and loans. He emphasized the need for projects to generate positive social and environmental impacts, benefiting indigenous or rural populations, and to incorporate gender and interculturality perspectives. 

The event concluded with remarks from Engineer Julio Ruiz Soria, Economic Development Manager of the Regional Government of Madre de Dios (GOREMAD), who, on behalf of Regional Governor Jefferson Gonzáles, closed the event, highlighting the regional authority’s commitment to embracing initiatives of international cooperation for the benefit of the population of Madre de Dios. 

Visit to the La Cachuela Aquaculture Production Center 

The regional governor of Madre de Dios, Jefferson G. Enoki, along with a delegation from Conservation International, led by Luis Espienal, conducted a guided tour of the La Cachuela Aquaculture Production Center to learn about the Amazonian aquaculture reproductive system. 

At the site, they observed the post-larval stage, ready to be transferred to the ponds. Despite being halted by the pandemic, the aquaculture center currently houses pacu and gamitana broodstock, along with 70,000 fingerlings, with plans to reach 3 million to serve the entire population.


The Amazon Business Alliance, promoted by USAID and Conservation International, will bring together efforts to attract and unlock investments that contribute to climate change adaptation and mitigation, biodiversity conservation, and the improvement of livelihoods for local communities, with a special emphasis on indigenous peoples and women. 

As a precedent, in October 2021, within the framework of the Amazon Business Alliance, the Regional Government of Madre de Dios and Conservation International signed an inter-institutional cooperation agreement aimed at promoting and facilitating the development of sustainable businesses that contribute to achieving national climate targets and Sustainable Development Goals, and to work together for the sustainable development of the region. 

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