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Sustainable aquaculture project promotes productive reconversion and conservation in Moyobamba

Jul 21, 2023

In order to develop a sustainable business model and promote the conservation of ecosystems, an innovative Amazonian fish aquaculture project has been launched. In Moyobamba, the family business Pucayagro decided to invest in productive reconversion and circular economy to increase its production and have an impact on the recovery and conservation of ecosystems in its farm and surrounding areas.

On Friday, July 7, the launching of the project “Aquaculture productive reconversion model to improve resource productivity with circular economy and ecosystem conservation and recovery approaches” took place. This initiative is led by the Sanmartinense company Pucayagro and the NGO ACAC-PROASOCIO with the support of the ITP/CITEacuícola Pesquero Ahuashiyacu and co-financing from the Amazon Business Alliance (AEA), a platform promoted by the United States Agency for International Development (USAID), the Government of Canada and Conservation International, which promotes the development of sustainable businesses in the Peruvian Amazon.

The sustainable aquaculture project is the result of collaboration between the private and public sectors and conservation organizations. With the support and technical assistance of the ITP/CITE Pesquero Ahuashiyacu and AEA, 2.5 hectares previously used for rice cultivation are expected to be transformed into 4 new ponds that will increase the production of Amazonian fish with regional and national demand, such as paiche, paco and gamitana, as well as contribute to the restoration of ecosystems and landscapes in 200 hectares in neighboring areas.

This project will develop new sustainable production support processes with technological bases, increasing the plant’s productivity by 100% per square meter. In addition, to maintain its circular economy vision, 20% of the farm’s rice and corn production will be used as inputs for fish feed and the production of organic fertilizers. 

In its commitment to go beyond productive reconversion, the project seeks to have an impact on the families neighboring the farm, thus contributing to the restoration of the ecosystems and landscape in 200 hectares, on the lands of 200 families, cocoa and coffee producers, located in the districts of Calzada, Habana, Soritor and Yantaló in the province of Moyobamba. The project will promote soil recovery and conservation, the reforestation of degraded areas and the enrichment of agroforestry systems among neighboring families. Under a cross-cutting gender approach, more than 30% of those participating in the project will be women.

“We were dedicated to agriculture and rice farming and decided to change to sustainable aquaculture. When we planted aguajales, without realizing it, we planted water and that brought life. Now we want to learn more, conserve more, reforest more to know how to coexist with nature and do our business with it,”

Sonia Callirgos

Pucayagro Representative

The presentation ceremony was attended by Sergio Rodríguez, executive director of the Instituto Tecnológico de la Producción-ITP; Sonia Callirgos, representative of Pucayagro; Willy Espinoza Meier, director of Amazon Business Alliance, in Conservation International; Carlos Villavicencio, manager of the Regional Environmental Authority of the Regional Government of San Martín; Oscar Martín López Guanilo, executive director of ACAC-ProAsocio, among other representatives of various institutions. 

With the successful launch of this project, Moyobamba has positioned itself as a benchmark in sustainable aquaculture and the conservation of Amazonian ecosystems. Participants in the event expressed their optimism about the positive impact it will have in the region and its potential to be replicated in other areas of the country.

Sergio Rodríguez, executive director of the Instituto Tecnológico de la Producción-ITP, extended his congratulations to Pucayagro and its entire team. "It is a model company that will inspire others, because it has an eye for sustainability, productivity and the ability to collaborate with different stakeholders. This project brings together various public, private and cooperation organizations and is the beginning of a long road to carry out more projects like these and, in this way, generate sustainable development and employment," added Rodríguez.

Pucayagro joins the portfolio of the Amazon Business Alliance ( demonstrating that economic growth and sustainability can move forward together.