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S/300 million to be invested in sustainable businesses in favor of Amazonian populations

Sep 8, 2022

In order to promote investments in the Peruvian Amazon and mitigate the impacts of climate change, the Amazon Business Alliance will invest more than S/300 million in sustainable businesses, which will directly benefit the Amazonian populations that conserve standing forests.

This platform, led by the United States Agency for International Development (USAID), the Government of Canada and Conservation International, facilitates and creates the necessary conditions for the development of business models that improve the quality of life of Amazonian communities, contributing to the achievement of national climate goals and the Sustainable Development Goals.

“We are talking about helping the local population to develop sustainable economic activities, taking advantage of the great biodiversity of the Amazon forests, and thus contribute to achieving international goals and commitments to reduce emissions that contribute to climate change,”

Claudio Schneider

Senior Technical Director of Conservation International in Peru.

Important collaboration agreements were also signed during ExpoAmazónica 2022, held in Chachapoyas, Amazonas. One of them was with Sierra y Selva Exportadora, through which they will join forces to identify Amazonian products that can be positioned outside the country, such as organic coffee with fair price certification from cooperatives in protected areas with which they work, or aromatic infusions made by Awajún communities. 

In this regard, the Cooperativa de Servicios Múltiples Bosque del Alto Mayo (Coopbam) is one of the first cooperatives to operate within a protected natural area that has organic and fair trade certification and has been able to market its coffees in international markets such as Germany, the United States, Holland, Australia, and Canada.

Another partnership that took place on the occasion of ExpoAmazon was between Conservation International Peru and the Coalition for Sustainable Production, with the objective of promoting multi-stakeholder alliances at the national level and a favorable climate for sustainable business, which will allow the consolidation of sustainable jurisdictions and deforestation-free production chains. 

The Amazon Business Alliance promotes the participation of women in business, empowering them economically and improving their entrepreneurial skills; as well as indigenous peoples, guaranteeing their participation in decision-making regarding inclusive public policies. 

Thus, the participation with teas and infusions of the members of the Bosque de las Nuwas, a space managed entirely by the women of the native community of Shampuyacu, through the Bosque de las Nuwas Association, who through the eco-tourism destination they lead, also value their culture, rescue their ancestral knowledge, and face one of the main problems that challenges the community, deforestation. 

The Amazon Business Alliance is already present in Madre de Dios, San Martín, Huánuco and Ucayali, where inter-institutional cooperation agreements were signed with the regional governments to align public and private investment priorities; and will expand its scope to the regions of Amazonas, Pasco and Loreto, to generate synergies and strengthen technical and innovation capabilities.