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The Regional Government of Huánuco and Conservation International sign an agreement to promote sustainable investments.

Nov 26, 2021

With the aim of promoting and facilitating the development of sustainable businesses that contribute to achieving national climate goals and the Sustainable Development Goals, the Government Regional of Huánuco (GOREHCO) and Conservation International have signed a Framework Cooperation Agreement. They commit to working together to support the sustainable development of the region. The agreement is part of the Amazon Business Alliance, a joint initiative between the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) and Conservation International to promote sustainable businesses in the Peruvian Amazon. 

The agreement focuses on contributing to the development of sustainable investments and businesses that promote the region's transition to an economy that encourages bio and eco-businesses, incentivizes the participation of women and indigenous peoples in these initiatives, and aligns public and private investment priorities. 

Juan Alvarado, governor of the Huánuco region, emphasized that "the strategic alliance that begins will allow the sustainable development of Huánuco through joint work between government, private enterprise, and organizations in favor of a safe planet, integrating society, generating opportunities for people, and moving away from deforestation."


“Amazon Business Alliance emerges through a co-creation process between USAID and Conservation International, addressing the need to engage the private sector in sustainable economic activities. It operates under a results-oriented approach, effectively contributing to climate change adaptation and mitigation,” highlighted Álvaro Gaillour, environmental governance specialist at USAID. 

Luis Espinel, Executive Director and Vice President of Conservation International in Peru, emphasized, “Reaching Huánuco is extremely important for Conservation International because we are confident that this collaborative effort initiated by signing the agreement will create development opportunities for the population while contributing to nature conservation.” 

As part of the activities for the signing of the agreement, a fair was organized where entrepreneurs from Huánuco showcased their products derived from coffee, cocoa, bamboo, fruits, handicrafts, among others. Additionally, the day before, the delegation visited the Carpish Montane Forest Reserve to learn about the existing potential for promoting sustainable investments that benefit the protected area and the development of local communities supporting its conservation.

The joint work initiated with the signing of the agreement envisages coordinating, articulating, and providing technical support to various instances of the GOREHCO, such as the regional management of Natural Resources and Environmental Management, Economic Development, Social Development, Planning, Budget, and Territorial Planning, with the aim of strengthening capacities in environmental matters and sustainable management of natural resources. 

The agreement also includes the design, implementation, and promotion of regional policies to conserve natural and cultural heritage, the cross-cutting strengthening of gender and intercultural approaches, as well as the development of strategies, programs, and projects for mitigation and adaptation to climate change.

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