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Home / Briefcase / Acuicultura


Start date:

Apr 29, 2024




Pucayagro is a family business in San Martín, immersed in the Alto Mayo landscape, which decided to make the transition from traditional agriculture to a sustainable aquaculture model with a transformative impact. With the support of the CITE Acuícola Pesquero Ahuashiyacu of the Instituto Tecnológico de Producción (ITP) of the Ministry of Production, its production of paiche, paco and gamitana has grown steadily. However, opportunities also arose to link their work to new objectives: forest conservation and restoration. This goal led them to approach the Amazon Business Alliance, with the aim of promoting a project that would contribute to increasing the productivity of their plant and, in turn, improve the quality of water and soil resources. They also have a circular economy approach, so part of the farm's rice and maize production is used as an input for fish feed and for the production of organic fertilisers.



Hectares conserved


Hectares under agroforestry systems


People benefited, of which 60 are women


Percentage of deforestation

The objective of the project was to develop a sustainable business model around the aquaculture of Amazonian fish with regional and national demand, based on productive reconversion, with a focus on circular economy and the conservation and recovery of ecosystems in the province of Moyobamba, San Martin.
The project also had an impact on the restoration of 200 hectares of land belonging to 100 neighboring cocoa- and coffee-producing families in the districts of Calzada, Habana, Soritor and Yantaló in the province of Moyobamba. Thus, both on the farm and among neighboring families, soil recovery and conservation, reforestation of degraded areas, enrichment of agroforestry systems and, therefore, increased carbon capture and storage in soils and plantations.

This project is promoted together with:

“Nosotros nos dedicábamos a la agricultura y sembrío de arroz y decidimos cambiar a la acuicultura sostenible. Cuando sembramos aguajales, sin darnos cuenta, sembramos agua y eso trajo vida. Ahora queremos conocer más, conservar más, reforestar más para saber convivir con la naturaleza y hacer nuestro negocio con ella”.

Sonia Callirgos

Representante de Pucayagro


Pucayagro has transitioned from traditional agriculture to a sustainable aquaculture model with transformative results, with production of paiche, paco and gamitana growing significantly. The company is also committed to forest conservation and restoration, through a project with the Amazon Business Alliance that has improved the productivity of its plant, the quality of water resources and soil, and the preservation of 210 hectares of forest through sustainable cocoa and coffee plantations.


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